
Abou Bamba: Impact of Deforestation and Tackling Climate Change in Côte d’Ivoire’

Abou Bamba, Chair of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) COP15 Organizing Committee, joins The African Climate Conversation to share his thoughts on the impact that climate change is having on the continent.

He also provides his unique insight into:

• The links between land degradation, deforestation and climate change in Côte d’Ivoire and what can be done to address these specific challenges.

• The immediate initiatives that are being taken through the Abidjan Legacy Programme (a five-year programme designed by the Ivorian authorities to deal with desertification and its consequences) and how other countries are participating in this programme.

The views expressed in this video are the contributor’s own and do not necessarily reflect BII’s investment policy or the policy of the UK government.

Abou Bamba discusses the impact of deforestation and tackling climate change issues in Côte d’Ivoire

This article is republished from  The Africa Climate Conversation  under a Creative Commons license.


Africa Climate Conversation

July 15th, 2023


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